Sabtu, 19 November 2011

my home my town

my home my town

           Bukittinggi city stood in line with the arrival of the Dutch who later founded the blockhouse in 1825 during the War Padri in one of the hills contained within this city, known as Fort de Kock, as well as a resting place officers in the Dutch colonies. Later in the reign of the Dutch East Indies, the area is always enhanced role in the constitution which later developed into a Stadsgemeente, and also serves as the capital Afdeeling Padangsche Bovenlanden and Onderafdeeling Oud Agam.

         During the Japanese occupation, the city of Bukittinggi used as a control center for the region of Sumatra military government, even to Singapore and Thailand, where the city became the seat of the military commander to 25 Kenpeitai, under the command of Major General Hirano Toyoji. Then the city was renamed from Fort de Kock became Stadsgemeente Bukittinggi Yaku The SHO of the area was broadened to include the surrounding villages-villages like Sianok Anam Tribe, Gadut, Kapau, Ampang Tower, Taba and Bukit Batu Batabuah. Now Nagari-Nagari is entered into the Agam regency.

        After the independence of Indonesia, Bukittinggi was chosen to be the capital of the Province of Sumatra, with its governor Mr. Teuku Muhammad Hasan.] The United Kingdom is also defined as an area municipality under the Province of Sumatra Governor Decree No. 391 dated June 9, 1947.

        At the time of maintaining the independence of Indonesia, the City Bukitinggi role as the city struggles, where on December 19, 1948, the city is designated as the capital of Indonesia after the Yogyakarta fell into Dutch hands, known as the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI). Later on, the event was designated a State-Defense Day, based on the Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28 Year 2006 dated December 18, 2006.

        The next big city of Bukittinggi be based on Law Number 9 Year 1956 concerning the establishment of an autonomous region within the major cities of the province of Central Sumatra period, which covers the province of West Sumatra, Jambi, Riau and Riau Islands now.
        Even after the issuance of Government Regulation Number 84 of 1999 as a new legal basis of regional government in the implementation of Bukittinggi, but until now still can not be implemented.


City of Bukittinggi is located in the Bukit Barisan range stretching along the Sumatra island, surrounded by three volcanoes, namely Mount Singgalang, Mount Marapi and Mount Sago, and are located at an altitude of 909-941 meters above sea level. The city is also a cold air with temperatures ranging between 16.1 - 24.9 ° C. While the total area of ​​the town Bukittinggi this time (25.24 km ²), 82.8% was allocated to land cultivation, while the rest is forest cover.

The town has a hilly topography and berlembah, some hills are spread in this urban area, including Mount Ambacang, Ruff Bone Hill, Hill MANDIANGIN, Campago Hill, Hill Kubangankabau, Nan Sabatang Penang Hill, Hill Canggang, Hill Paninjauan and so on. While there are valleys with Sianok Canyon with a depth that varies between 75-110 m, which didasarnya flows a river called the stem masang that meets the west coast of Sumatra island.

The development of the city population is related to changes in Bukittinggi Bukittingi the trading center in the Minangkabau highlands, starting with the market dibangunya-Dutch Indies government in 1890 with the name loods, local communities loih spell, with a curved roof then known as Loih Galuang.
Today, the city is a city packed Bukittingi in the province of West Sumatra, with a total work force is 52,631 people and around 3845 people in them are unemployed. [3] The city is dominated by ethnic Minangkabau, but there are also ethnic Chinese, Javanese, Tamil and Batak.
Chinese society tied together with the emergence of markets in Bukittinggi, they dizinkan Netherlands Indies government-developing store / kiosk at the foot of the hill fortress of Fort de Kock to the west, stretching from south to north, now known as Village Cino. While the Indian traders located in the northern foothills, winding from the east to west and is now called the Kampong Kling.


Since 1918, the town Bukittinggi has gemeente status, in 1930 further expanded the territory of this city of 5.2 km ². At the time of Japanese occupation of the territory of this town again expanded. Then the independence of Indonesia occurred in the overlapping areas of city limits is a good time for unilateral determination of the Indian-Dutch and Japanese.
Currently municipality boundary is surrounded by Agam regency, and konfik between the regional government of the boundary persists, added after the release of Government Regulation No. 84 Year 1999 on the city boundary changes Bukittinggi and Agam regency, from government regulation (PP) is an area of ​​the town Bukittinggi grew to 145.29,90 km ², by entering a number of previous Nagari at the time of Japanese occupation in the territory of the town Bukittinggi administration.
But over bergulirnya governance reforms to give broad autonomy rights to the district and the city, came back from rejection of Agam regency on the expansion of community and regional development of the town Bukittinggi. For Agam regency society that enters into the territory of this city expansion, was lost due to the return of application of the rule model Nagari more promising, than to be in the villages. In addition there assumption, heterogeneous urban communities were also feared to give effect to the customs and rich traditions that had been owned by the Nagari.

Since the days of Dutch colonialism, this city has become a center of education in the island of Sumatra, started since 1872, with the establishment Kweekschool voor Inlandsche Onderwijzers (school teachers for indigenous teachers) or also known as king of the school's name, which in turn evolved into volksschool or school people. Then in 1912 came Holandsch Inlandsche School (HIS), which extended to the founding of School School voor Inlandsch Pamong Opleiding Ambtenaren (OSVIA) in 1918. In 1926 also stood in the town Bukittinggi MULO.And this is my perfect school

Galuang Loih market developments now called the Market Ateh, make-Dutch Indies government then re-expand the market, by developing a loods back east in 1900, precisely at the waist hill near the brook that flows along the foot of the hill, because The market location is in the slope of the local community to call the name of pupil Market (Italic) or Pasar slopes. Subsequent developments in the area appear again next several markets in between Market and Market Under Banto. In setting the market, the Dutch Indies government, also connects with the progression of each market (the stairs) and among the most famous is called by the name of progression 40.

To reduce the buildup in an area of ​​Bukittinggi city administration then developed urban areas to the east of the Yellow Aur developing markets, which currently is one of the wholesale trade center for goods convection in the city of Bukittinggi. While traditional markets around the clock Gadang as Ateh Market, Market and Market Bottom Slope, now evolved into a place selling of handicraft and special souvenirs Minangkabau.

Due to the small size of the territory, the trade sector is one of choice for local government is Bukittinggi in increasing per capita income, and has become one of the main destination in the areas of trade on the island of Sumatra.

Besides that local government is Bukittinggi also spawn a number of programs to alleviate poverty among deversifikasi training in the form of increased training and improved skills training embroider blouse manufacturing, as well as new entrepreneurial growth. Tourism
Tourism development is one of the mainstay of the city of Bukittinggi, many interesting attractions, making the city is also nicknamed as the "city tour". At this time in the city of Bukittinggi was there about 60 hotels and 15 bureaus perjalanan.Hotel-hotel in the city, among others The Hills Bukittinggi (formerly Novotel), Hotel Pusako and so on.

Sianok Canyon Valley is one of the main attractions. Panorama Park is located in Bukittinggi city allows tourists to see the beautiful views of Canyon Sianok. In the Panorama Park is also a former cave hideout Japanese army during World War II the Japanese referred to as hole Bukittinggi.

In the Park there is a replica of Bundo Kanduang Gadang House that serves as the museum Minangkabau culture, Bukittinggi Zoo and castle Fort de Kock is connected by a bridge crossing called Bridge Limpapeh. Limpapeh overpass was on Road A. Yani, which is the main street in the town Bukittinggi.

Market Ateh (pasas above) are close to the clock Gadang which is the center of the city. In the market there are many sellers Ateh handicrafts and embroidery as well as snacks special souvenir of West Sumatra as Karupuak Sanjai (cassava chips Sanjai regional style in Bukittinggi) is made from cassava, Karupuak Jangek made from cow or buffalo leather and Karak Kaliang , a special snack Bukittinggi is shaped like a figure 8. At this time also has built several modern shopping centers in the city of Bukittinggi.

Bukittinggi city community horse loves sports, and every year the city is holding a contest in Bukit Ambacang driving horses, which began in 1889, driving a horse race is a network of driving a horse race held in several other areas in West Sumatra, with this pelombaan also led to permanent bertahannya the horse breeders, as well as a traditional livelihood of the community. Apart from that at the time of Indonesia's independence revolution, the area is also a runway or airport for small aircraft.
 Press and Media

In the Japanese army of occupation, the city's largest ever built a radio transmitter to the island of Sumatra that time, in order to fly the spirit of the people to support the importance of East Asia War Japanese version. In this city there are several radio stations as a means of transmitting information and entertainment in between RRI Bukittinggi, Elsi FM, CC FM, GRC FM and others.
pasa ateh, let's go friend's
pasa aua
The Food

Rendang is a traditional cuisine bersantan meat with beef as main ingredient. Typical cuisine from West Sumatra, Indonesia is very popular in all societies whether in Indonesia itself or abroad.

In addition to beef, rendang also use coconut (karambia), and a mixture of various spices typical of Indonesia in between Chili (Lado), galangal, lemongrass, onions and various other spices are usually referred to as (the cooker).


Acid is one spicy dish taste sour and spicymarinade prevalent use tamarind,chiliand various other spices blendIts main ingredient is usually different types of fish and seafood such as tunasnappertunamackerel, carp or squid

karak kaliang

Kerupuk sanjai
Karupuak Sanjai is a kind of cassava is grated cracker thin and then fried and      salted as penyedapnya. Crackers are very popular as a food by-the typical city Bukitinggi, West Sumatra. Crackers sanjai consists of three flavors:
1.  Bargaining is Karupuak Sanjai sanjai crackers that do not use Lado (peppers)   or Brown Sugar but were given only saline.
2.  Sanjai Karupuak Saka is applied sanjai Crackers Brown Sugar.
3.  Karupuak Balado is a flavored crackers sanjai Balado
Galamai is one small meals with basic ingredients ofglutinous rice flourpalm sugar and coconut milk that comes from the region of West Sumatra


Sate Padang wearing materials beef, tongue, (heartintestineand bonewith a thick peanut sauce seasoning (like porridgeplus a lot of chili so spicy taste.